
Sunday, June 6, 2010

Fairy Dance

Listening to the song,

Fairy Dance from Peter Pan,the boy who will never grow up, in a place called Neverland.

The music,

makes the remember the old times, imagining the old times, when we're young,having fun, jokes, stupid arguements. laughs.

"this song reminds me of old times. when you didnt care about drugs, music or sex or crap like that...when you just wanted to have fun and play with your friends. its times like those that truly matter in this life :)"

"The song sounds lke the first time you touch a rose petal with delicate fingers, winter rises in a breathe and falls back on the land and the first dance of a young couple their movements matched in perfect harmony the first twinkling stars of heavens eyes and the dawn as she wakes its the dew in the grass so gentle and soft and the first rainfall. Its the bright eyes of a new child and the laugh of a young one who's mind is still light. Its the call of adventure"

"Remember when we were kids, when we believed in magic, when we believed anything was possible? Then came the world and people telling us we should forget those silly notions. So we stopped believing and moved on and grew up, robbing ourselves of an important part of us. I don't think we should ever grow up. Not completely anyway. Never, ever stop believing."

this 3 comments are from the song,their thought are just exactly like mine.the song is like a scenario with adventure,romance,encountering to sort of dangers, and somehow pure.

;D suddenly, i wish to go back to my childhood,why,why last time im so eager to grow up?now i insisted to go back times that we used to play,cry and laugh our heads off.

If we are forever young. how amazing could that be?

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